The Change is Inevitable

There is a part of me, who screams for not speaking up.
There is a part of me, who always wants to abide.
There is a part of me, who wants to rebel.
There is a part of me, who wants to be free.

Living in a male dominating society is already difficult in today's world, but we are progressing. Women are at last getting, what they always deserved. The process of changing in slow, but at that time it is effective. However, those changes, there always comes a hope for a better future.

I am Indian teenager, and trust me when I say my life is full of drama, I mean it.
Be it parent-child-communication-problem, sibling rivalry, living up to people expectations, wanting to scream at the entire world and trying to be yourself comes with a price to pay.

Trust me I get it.
Life is full of crap,
Stop cribbing about it,
Stop feeling sorry for yourself,
You are not the only one out there
So deal with it.

So here I am, travelling in a Mumbai local train, facing a reality check that I am not the only person in this world facing my demons.
I mean who knows; maybe the girl besides me is having more problems than I do. Maybe the old woman opposite me is having family troubles.
We cannot just crib and pity about our problems, when there are worst in this world.

India is evolving, day by day and all we girls can do is either wait for the changes to occur, or BE THE CHANGE. All we do is criticize about our troubles, but are we taking an effort yourself to make it change? Hell, even I am just writing this article.
However, am I am doing it; trying to be a part of the change?

The answer is no, naturally, because we are spoilt Indian Teenage girls who have loads of crap in their life, but will not take any goddamn efforts to eradicate them. I, myself fall in that category. I am nobody to cuss this society, or its ways, if all I do is big talks and no work.

This needs to end.
All I want to convey to all my readers is, do not just sit and read this update, let us take a step ahead to change the society, and at least take the tinniest effort to bring about a change in this world.

Make noise, raise your voices, join your hands, but be a part of this changing.
Let us Pledge today

Stand up, for what is right.
Stand up, for a future, which can be bright.

You either be a part of that Change,
Or else be The Change.


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