22nd March, 2019
4:30 PM

You know you have stepped into your adulthood when you’re at work, procrastinating and suddenly have the urge to revive your old ‘teenage blog rant’.

 Yeah I’m having a major cringe moment right now, reading my old posts. I mean clearly I was an angry teenager like the rest of the world, and I can assure you, this angry teenager has bloomed into a ‘fuck-this-shit’ young adult entering her early twenties.

A side note to all those who were probably taken aback by the crass language up there- THIS IS NOT YOUR REGULAR BLOG WHERE I  ONLY POST ARTSY, TRAVEL, FOOD,  POETRY, TUMBLR CONTENT, POLITICAL RANTS, FEMI-NAZI RANTS OR LGBTQ SUPPORTS ETC. Although no hard feelings to those who are into that, but it is not the theme I want to adapt and hold onto for this blog.

 Who am I kidding?

 This blog is about the real shit we deal with and you either adapt to it willingly or learn it the hard way, there is no in between. The topics I would like to cover could be anything; the scale goes from the ABOVE TOPICS to doggo memes to social media exploits to doggo memes to India-Pakistan tension, did I mention DOGGO MEMES.

 Well I can assure it is going to be 99% random and relatable content and 1% of the real serious shit, plus we have enough of that already on EVERY social media platforms.

PS: To all those who will probably criticize on my style, well fuck you too bro.

PSS: My boss is back, so I have got to pretend to be working.



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